North Carolina Mountains
Our land straddles the ridge in the middle of the picture, which is looking north--the power easement comes over the hill between our house and the shop.
Our mountain home at Chestnut Ridge, 3200 feet elevation, outside Sylva, North Carolina, is part of our 33 acres in the Nantahala National Forest in the southern Appalachians, near the Great Smoky Mountains National Park west of Asheville. It is a four-hour drive from Durham on Interstate 40.

Sunset on storm clouds
over Carver Mountain.

The storm breaks over the Great Smokies; photo taken from Waterrock Knob.
Looking south from the top of our land on Laurel Ridge--Georgia is on the horizon.

Fog is not an unusual sight in the woods, here next to the house.

Water is prevalent in the mountains, not only in fog and rain, creating this double rainbow near Asheville, but also in the many waterfalls, such as Dry Falls near Highlands.
"The mountains are calling. and I must go." John Muir

This view from atop nearby Purchase Knob is not untypical of some winter days in Jackson County.