This three-sided portable bulletin board, made largely from recycled Chapel wood, took nearly a year to plan and build.
Box of Chapel oak to celebrate Rodney Wynkoop's twenty years as choir director.
Woodworking has been a hobby in the Heitzenrater family for generations--David S made things of wood in Valier (Dick has a carpenter's square of that belonged to him). The following items were built in our shop, either in the garage at various homes, or in the log workshop at the Ridge in the mountains.
These boxes, close to the style of others, were made to order for our children on Christmas several years ago.
This entertainment center, made of solid walnut with raised panels, is one of my favorite projects of all time
David Hartman was a recipient of one of the Duke Chapel boxes made from recycled Chapel pew wood for large donors to the choir fund.
This work, made of forest floor locust wood from the Ridge and entitled "Redemption," hangs in the Jones prayer chapel of the new Divinity School wing at Duke..
Andrew is obviously pleased with the box that he built in the log workshop at the Ridge..
Logo that we designed and carved in wood for the Congregation at Duke Chapel.
This Peace Candle with twisted barb wire follows a design from South Africa, given to me by Peter Storey.
This one-fourth scale replica of the Franklin Press at the Smithsonian is on of the most difficult and painstaking projects undertaken in our workshop. It was used for years in classes that taught the history of printing and books.
The solid maple and cherry workbench in the garage is both useful and one of my best creations (Karen thought the turned leg under the left vise was just a bit much).
Extension table (with two leaves) for the kitchen, made with curly maple from Hurricane Fran wood that came down in the forest behind our house.
Oak bookshelves and cabinets with raised panels to match the fireplace in the den..
Small rolling solid walnut shelves for John.
This 2 x 5 foot desk top in the study is made of solid walnut with 4 x 5 inch legs; the top is four inches thick.
Solid walnut box with brass Divinity School logo (that I designed several years ago), that we made for large donors to the school
This cabinet for stereo components was made from materials from Bridwell Library when it underwent renovation about 1990.
These solid walnut shelves for the old books in the study follow an edge design used in the York Room shelving in the Divinity School

We made a dove tailed box with butterfly joints to transport the scale facsimile printing press, which we donated to the Smithsonian Institution.
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Front and back of a desktop memento with a facsimile of a Duke Chapel pulpit carving on one side and a clock on the other.
We made a dozen or so table-top lecterns for the Divinity School using recycled wood from the Engineering School, Duke Chapel, and trees downed by Hurricane Fran.

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Duke stone in box lid; proposed major donor gift in 1960s.